
Design Lead


Figma & Illustrator




Rottski is an influencer marketing discovery tool where brands and influencers can build meaningful professional relationships. 

What makes Rottski special?
While there are a lot of other influencer discovery tools out there, Rottski stands out from the rest by offering features that allow both influencers and brands to accomplish their goals, targeting Tiktok - the most downloaded non-gaming app worldwide (since May 2021).



Influencer marketing is on the rise but there’s a lot of ways things can go wrong. Brands are wary of false data and unprofessionalism and micro-influencers aren’t sure how to get their name out there and collaborate with brands.



By conducting usability studies and surveys to better understand the influencer marketing landscape, I’ve spearheaded UX solutions to ensure reliable influencer data and improve influencer discoverability on the website.



The Team

Team Rottski consists of 4 friends (3 engineers and 1 designer).

We’re incredibly motivated to see how far we can go when we put our heads (and skills) together and try to create a successful product!


How it all started

With Tiktok’s huge rise in popularity, Konrad (CEO & Data Specialist) started to scrape Tiktok’s public data and make it more accessible and analyzable for brands.

I was originally recruited to help design the site logo- but after sharing some UX suggestions for the beta site, I was instantly onboarded to become design lead and help drive all design decisions.


My process

My process involved researching competitor sites, target audiences and modern website trends.

Iterate & Design
Next, I led brainstorm sessions where we broke down key features and what defined our target UX strategy. From there I mapped out site flows, created UI specs & figma prototypes to communicate complex interactions.

Quality control
Throughout the process, I reviewed these designs with my team members and had a strong grasp of any implementation constraints every step of the way.


Beginning the research

Through this project, I sought to explore and understand the influencer marketing landscape by creating a competitor analysis on the top discovery tools out there and found distinct pain points shown below.


Who are we designing for?

To answer that question, I created a few personas to help define various user motivations.

Mapping out various user needs and pain points helped us identify what people actually want and need to accomplish their goals.


User Personas

From this exercise, I looked into 3 different personas:

  1. An employee at a startup that just kicked off, hoping to promote his product on a budget

  2. A young influencer who’s trying to make Tiktok her full-time gig

  3. A large company re-branding their products to reach a new crowd



Some highlighted pain points that came up for these unique characters included:

False data
Worried about untrustworthy sites and false influencer data

Bad interactions
Afraid of interacting with difficult people and fraudulent accounts

Pricy plans
Wary about paying monthly fees and not gaining anything from the site

No incentive to come back
Concerned about no one reaching out or reasons to come back



From there, I worked with my team members to reduce the challenges:

Verify information
Encourage Tiktokers to link their accounts, set their price, and verify information

Review systems
Have a two-way review system when brands and influencers interact on the site

Free browsing
Make sure the site is free and browsable with low costing premium plans

Reward active users
Reward active users by increasing their discoverability with featured spotlights, higher rankings, etc.



Creating a holistic look & feel

[Work in progress below…]
Please contact me directly if you’d like to learn more about this project and the user research that I was involved with.

Thanks for visiting!


On Rottski, brands can quickly find, review, and connect with over 2M+ Tiktokers. On the other side of things, influencers can join to check out the marketplace, boost their discoverability, and view account analytics.

On Rottski, brands can quickly find, review, and connect with over 2M+ Tiktokers. On the other side of things, influencers can join to check out the marketplace, boost their discoverability, and view account analytics.



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