
Visual and branding designer


Photoshop and Illustrator


2017-2018 | 6 mo.


Xbox Ambassadors

Anyone can become an Xbox Ambassador so long as they join the program and climb the ranks by completing activities that make a positive impact on the Xbox community.

The Xbox Ambassadors team has been around since 2006 and brought me in, along with two other designers, to re-brand its entire visual identity.

Ambassadors Banner2.png



This project required a brand new look for its website, social media presence, and merchandise. Keeping Xbox and the gaming community in mind, we created various design imagery and templates for both digital and print products that the Ambassadors team could use with ease.



As we kept getting more and more requests for visuals, we began to face a few problems. The main problem was to create a cohesive design that branded all of the Xbox Ambassadors content across platforms and make it possible for non-designers to upload content with a consistent identity.


My Role

My main focus was to help create strong visual branding for the Xbox Ambassadors. Above are a few of my exploratory branding designs that ultimately helped define their new look.

Below is a collection of design assets I made for the Xbox Ambassadors social media accounts including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Mixer (streaming).


I also led the Xbox Ambassadors streaming page in collaboration with Microsoft’s Mixer.

It was a great experience working with passionate gamers and create a streaming calendar, stylized icons and button, offline/online screenpages, and more.



Working together with my team, we created a singular brand guideline for the Xbox Ambassadors team with a clear direction for use of colors, font, and imagery treatments. We also created a variety of templates that anyone could use to brand their content.



Ultimately, we were able to make a lasting impact on the Xbox Ambassadors by empowering their community with stronger visual branding. Since the launch of the website re-design, new social media content and printed merch, the Xbox Ambassadors have been able to reach a wider audience in the gaming world, connect with more gamers at large events like PAX, E3, and more.



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