
UI & Graphic Designer


Photoshop, Illustrator


2018 | 4 mo.


Microsoft’s Magneto Conference

MAGNETO is a conference that brings together thousands of Microsoft Gaming and AI+R teams to accelerate and enable meaningful cross-group collaboration. The conference includes 19+ Ted Talks, 16+ demos, 7 themed breakout sessions, 3 days of networking events, and executive engagement keynotes from Microsoft CPs and EVPs.



Microsoft’s annual Magneto Conference needed a visual branding identity to match its forward- thinking agenda for gathering and presenting Gaming AI+R learning ideas.

The meaning behind the conference name comes from “Magneto”—a small electric generator that supplies ignition currents.


My Role

I was first tasked with creating a logo for the conference. Using the letter “M” as a base, I sketched and vectorized the shape to morph into an ignition spark/bolt.


Once stakeholders agreed on a final logo design, I experimented with various background treatments and landed on a painted explosion to tie into the theme of the conference. From there I had to establish brand guidelines.



  • The Magneto team didn’t have a platform to share important information to their targeted audience.

  • Not too many Microsoft employees knew about the conference.

  • If they did know, there wasn’t a system in place to register.



In order to highlight the purpose of Magneto Con and get more people excited, I helped create web based UI content for an internal Microsoft website and designed various print merchandise.

Unfortunately most of the website is highly confidential and cannot be shared to the public.



Microsoft’s Magneto Conference has been going on for 3 years now (2019) and has had over 1000+ participants. I have consistently delivered new designs materials for each annual event and sparked enthusiasm and recognition with memorable branding.


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