
Graphic Designer & Illustrator


Photoshop and Illustrator



Xbox Culture Branding.

My design process includes getting to know my client and conceptualizing a handful of ideas in black and white sketches. Iterating and refining the top two designs by adding color, texture, etc. Making sure my client is happy with their new logo every step of the way before I finalize my designs and create brand guidelines.


Defenders of Joy

Internally, I worked with a handful of passionate Xbox leads to design posters and swag to unite their teams and get everyone excited about their work. These four groups are focused on protecting gamers and becoming a defender of joy through gaming privacy, accessibility, safety, and security.

The posters themselves came to be thanks to a fantastic collaboration between myself and a fellow designer.


Plantinum Rule

The Good in Gaming team had a cross-company meeting with Xbox, Playstation, and Twitch. I had the opportunity to help create a poster and PowerPoint presentation to promote their “Platinum Rule.”


Xbox Play Lounge

I collaborated with the Gaming for Everyone team at Xbox to create posters and UI content for their internal website.

The posters were created to raise employee awareness and lead them to the G4E (Gaming for Everyone) internal website and lounge email address. The lounge hosts a variety of community events, Xbox new feature sessions, gaming workshops and LAN parties.


Health and Wellness

The Women of XPS team needed an entire identity re-brand. I helped design their new logo and design assets. This poster in particular was designed in order to promote their health and wellness series on Microsoft campus.

You can learn more about my poster creation process here.




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